***********************************************************************************************; ** Program Name : adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf.sas **; ** Date Created : 10Mar2021 **; ** Programmer Name : XIONGR03 **; ** Purpose : Create adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf **; ** Input data : adsl **; ** Output file : adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf.html **; ***********************************************************************************************; options mprint mlogic symbolgen mprint symbolgen mlogic nocenter missing=" "; ods escapechar="~"; proc datasets library=WORK kill nolist nodetails; quit; **Setup the environment**; %let prot=/Volumes/app/cdars/prod/sites/cdars4/prjC459/nda2_unblinded_esub/bla_esub_adam/saseng/cdisc3_0; libname datvprot "&prot./data_vai" access=readonly; %let outpath=&prot./analysis/esub; %let outlog=&outpath./logs/adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf.log; %let outtable=&outpath./output/adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf.html; ******************************************************************************************; * Clean *; ******************************************************************************************; options mprint mlogic symbolgen; title; footnote; proc delete data=work._all_; run; proc printto log="&outlog" new; run; proc format; value cov 1="Positive" 2="Negative"; value sars 1="Positive(*ESC*){super c}" 2="Negative(*ESC*){super d}"; value cd 1="<200 cells/mm(*ESC*){super 3}" 2="200-500 cells/mm(*ESC*){super 3}" 3=">500 cells/mm(*ESC*){super 3}"; value rna 1="<50 copies/mL" 2="(*ESC*){unicode 2265}50 copies/mL"; value sex 1='Male' 2='Female'; value arace 1='White' 2='Black or African American' 3='American Indian or Alaska Native' 4='Asian' 5='Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander' 6='Multiracial' 7='Not reported' 8='Unknown' 999='All others~{super c}'; value ethnic 1='Hispanic/Latino' 2='Non-Hispanic/non-Latino' 3='Not reported' 4='Unknown'; value RANDAGE 1='12-15 Years' 2='16-55 Years' 3='18-55 Years' 4='65-85 Years' 5='>55 Years'; value Raciald 1="Indian Subcontinent Asian" 10="African Caribbean" 11="Saudi Arabian" 12="Malay" 13="Filipino" 14="Vietnamese" 15="Australian Aboriginal" 16="Torres Strait Islander" 17="Han Chinese" 18="Non-Han Chinese" 19="Ashkenazi Jew" 2="Southeast Asian" 3="Far East Asian" 4="Japanese American" 5="Japanese" 6="Korean" 7="Chinese" 8="African" 9="African American" 999="Other"; value BMICAT 1="Underweight ((*ESC*){Unicode 003C}18.5 kg/m~{super 2})" 2=" Normal weight ((*ESC*){Unicode 2265}18.5 kg/m~{super 2} - 24.9 kg/m~{super 2})" 3="Overweight ((*ESC*){Unicode 2265}25.0 kg/m~{super 2} - 29.9 kg/m~{super 2})" 4="Obese ((*ESC*){Unicode 2265}30.0 kg/m~{super 2})" 5="Missing"; run; data adsl; set DATVPROT.ADSL(rename=(ethnic=ethnic1)); length ethnic $50; if covblst="POS" then do; covblst="Positive"; covblstc="Positive(*ESC*){super c}"; covblstn=1; end; else if covblst="NEG" then do; covblst="Negative"; covblstc="Negative(*ESC*){super d}"; covblstn=2; end; else covblstn=.; if upcase(ethnic1)='NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO' then ethnic='Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino'; else if upcase(ethnic1)='HISPANIC OR LATINO' then ethnic='Hispanic/Latino'; else if upcase(ethnic1)='NOT REPORTED' then ethnic='Not Reported'; run; data adsl; set adsl; length countryx $50; if country='ARG' then countryx='Argentina'; else if country='BRA' then countryx='Brazil'; else if country='DEU' then countryx='Germany'; else if country='TUR' then countryx='Turkey'; else if country='USA' then countryx='USA'; else if country='ZAF' then countryx='South Africa'; else countryx='Others'; run; data adsl; set adsl; if trt01an=8 and agegr4n=1 then trtarn=1; else if trt01an=8 and agegr4n=2 then trtarn=2; else if trt01an=9 and agegr4n=1 then trtarn=3; else if trt01an=9 and agegr4n=2 then trtarn=4; trtar=trt01a; if racialdn=999 then racialdn=.; run; data g_adsl_dsin; set adsl; where saffl="Y" and phasen ne 1 and MULENRFL ne 'Y' and agegr1n ne 1; run; data __trtmap; length trtcode trtdecd $100; if 0 then set g_adsl_dsin(keep=TRT01AN); trtval=1; if vtype(TRT01AN)='C' then trtcode=tranwrd(compbl(quote("8")), ' ', '" "'); else trtcode="8"; trtdecd="BNT162b2 (30 (*ESC*){unicode 03BC}g)"; trtvar="TRT01AN"; trtlbl="TRT01A"; output; trtval=2; if vtype(TRT01AN)='C' then trtcode=tranwrd(compbl(quote("9")), ' ', '" "'); else trtcode="9"; trtdecd="Placebo"; trtvar="TRT01AN"; trtlbl="TRT01A"; output; trtval=3; if vtype(TRT01AN)='C' then trtcode=tranwrd(compbl(quote("8 9")), ' ', '" "'); else trtcode="8 9"; trtdecd="Total"; trtvar="TRT01AN"; trtlbl="TRT01A"; output; stop; run; data g_adsl_dsin; set g_adsl_dsin; if TRT01AN in (8) then do; newtrtn=1; newtrt=coalescec("BNT162b2 (30 (*ESC*){unicode 03BC}g)", TRT01A); output; end; if TRT01AN in (9) then do; newtrtn=2; newtrt=coalescec("Placebo", TRT01A); output; end; if TRT01AN in (8 9) then do; newtrtn=3; newtrt=coalescec("Total", TRT01A); output; end; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Initialize dataset for non-pvalue footnote queue. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _stdft1(compress=no); length model $200 mark $5; index=0; model=' '; mark=' '; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Initialize dataset for pvalue related footnote queue.; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _stdft2(compress=no); length model $200 mark $5; index=0; model=' '; mark=' '; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Initialize structure for _BASETEMPLATE dataset. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _basetemplate(compress=no); length _varname $8 _cvalue $35 _direct $20 _vrlabel $200 _rwlabel _colabel $800 _datatyp $5 _module $8 _pr_lbl $ 200; array _c _character_; delete; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create next _DATAn dataset ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _data1; set g_adsl_dsin; where (NEWTRTN is not missing); run; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DATA1"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Count number of treatment groups ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(unique NEWTRTN) into :_trtn from _data1 where NEWTRTN is not missing; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate variable _TRT. Use assigned order if applicable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_data1; by NEWTRTN USUBJID; run; data _data1; retain _trt 0; length _str $200; _datasrt=1; set _data1 end=eof; by NEWTRTN USUBJID; drop _str; _str=' '; _lastby=1; _dummyby=0; if first.NEWTRTN then do; if not missing(NEWTRTN) then do; _trt=_trt + 1; end; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate _STR as the treatment label ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; _str=NEWTRT; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Update _TRTLB&n with generated treatment label ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt > 0 then call symput('_trtlb'||compress(put(_trt, 4.)), trim(left(_str))); end; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Count number of patients in each treatment. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select compress(put(count(*), 5.) ) into :_trt1 - :_trt3 from (select distinct USUBJID, _trt from _data1 where NEWTRTN is not missing) group by _trt; select compress(put(count(*), 5.) ) into :_trt4 from (select distinct USUBJID from _data1 where NEWTRTN is not missing); quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate a dataset containing all by-variables ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_data1 out=_bydat1(keep=_datasrt _dummyby) nodupkey; by _datasrt; run; data _bydat1; set _bydat1 end=eof; by _datasrt; retain _preby 0; drop _preby; _byvar1=0; if eof then do; call symput("_preby1", compress(put(_byvar1, 4.))); if 0=0 then output; end; run; data _bydat1; set _bydat1; by _datasrt; length _bycol _byindnt $50 _bylast $10; _bycol=" "; _byindnt=" "; _bylast=" "; run; proc sort data=_bydat1; by _datasrt; run; proc sort data=_data1 out=_data1; by _datasrt; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(SEXN)); run; data _anal1; length SEXN 8; set _data1; if SEXN=. then SEXN=9998; _blcksrt=1; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal1; by _datasrt _blcksrt SEXN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp1; set _anal1; output; run; proc sort data=_temp1 out=_temp91 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat SEXN _trt USUBJID; run; proc freq data=_temp91; format SEXN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * SEXN * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct1(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal1 out=_denom1(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom1; set _denom1; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf1; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM1"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom1 out=_denomin1(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct SEXN) into : totexpv from _anal1; select distinct SEXN into :expv1 - :expv2 from _anal1 order by SEXN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame1; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=1; length SEXN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; SEXN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; SEXN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; SEXN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; SEXN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; SEXN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; SEXN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame1; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat SEXN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct1; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat SEXN _trt; run; data _pct1; merge _frame1(in=_inframe) _pct1; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat SEXN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct1; by _datasrt _blcksrt SEXN; run; data _miss1(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt SEXN totcount); set _pct1; where SEXN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt SEXN; if first.SEXN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.SEXN; run; data _pct1(drop=totcount); merge _pct1 _miss1; by _datasrt _blcksrt SEXN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; *******************************************************************; *IF PCTDISP=CAT/DPTVAR then add dptvar into denomitor frame dataset; *******************************************************************; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _DENOMIN with its frame up dataset (_denomf) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_denomf1; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin1; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin1; merge _denomf1(in=_inframe) _denomin1; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=1; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge in _PCT(counts) with the _DENOMIN(denominator for percents) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct1; by _datasrt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _VARNAME variable to hold depend variable name. ; * Create _VRLABEL variable to display Group label. ; * Create _RWLABEL variable to display &dptvar categories. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _pct1; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin1(in=_a) _pct1; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="SEXN "; _vrlabel="Sex "; _rwlabel=put(SEXN, sex.); if SEXN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Unknown "; _catord=9998; end; else if SEXN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct1; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord SEXN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base1; length _catlabl $200; set _pct1 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord SEXN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.SEXN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(ARACEN)); run; data _anal2; length ARACEN 8; set _data1; where same and ARACEN is not missing; _blcksrt=2; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal2; by _datasrt _blcksrt ARACEN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp2; set _anal2; output; run; proc sort data=_temp2 out=_temp92 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ARACEN _trt USUBJID; ; run; proc freq data=_temp92; format ARACEN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * ARACEN * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct2(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal2 out=_denom2(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom2; set _denom2; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf2; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM2"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; ; proc transpose data=_denom2 out=_denomin2(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct ARACEN) into : totexpv from _anal2; select distinct ARACEN into :expv1 - :expv7 from _anal2 order by ARACEN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame2; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=2; length ARACEN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=6; _catord=6; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=6; _catord=6; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=6; _catord=6; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ARACEN=7; _catord=7; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ARACEN=7; _catord=7; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ARACEN=7; _catord=7; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame2; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ARACEN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct2; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ARACEN _trt; run; data _pct2; merge _frame2(in=_inframe) _pct2; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ARACEN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct2; by _datasrt _blcksrt ARACEN; run; data _miss2(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt ARACEN totcount); set _pct2; where ARACEN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt ARACEN; if first.ARACEN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.ARACEN; run; data _pct2(drop=totcount); merge _pct2 _miss2; by _datasrt _blcksrt ARACEN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; proc sort data=_denomf2; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin2; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin2; merge _denomf2(in=_inframe) _denomin2; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=2; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge in _PCT(counts) with the _DENOMIN(denominator for percents) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct2; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct2; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin2(in=_a) _pct2; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="ARACEN "; _vrlabel="Race "; _rwlabel=put(ARACEN, arace.); if ARACEN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if ARACEN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct2; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord ARACEN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base2; length _catlabl $200; set _pct2 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord ARACEN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.ARACEN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(RACIALDN)); run; data _anal3; length RACIALDN 8; set _data1; where same and RACIALDN is not missing; _blcksrt=3; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal3; by _datasrt _blcksrt RACIALDN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp3; set _anal3; output; run; proc sort data=_temp3 out=_temp93 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat RACIALDN _trt USUBJID; run; proc freq data=_temp93; format RACIALDN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * RACIALDN * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct3(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal3 out=_denom3(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom3; set _denom3; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf3; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM3"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom3 out=_denomin3(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct RACIALDN) into : totexpv from _anal3; select distinct RACIALDN into :expv1 - :expv1 from _anal3 order by RACIALDN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame3; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=3; length RACIALDN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; RACIALDN=5; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; RACIALDN=5; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; RACIALDN=5; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame3; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat RACIALDN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct3; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat RACIALDN _trt; run; data _pct3; merge _frame3(in=_inframe) _pct3; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat RACIALDN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct3; by _datasrt _blcksrt RACIALDN; run; data _miss3(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt RACIALDN totcount); set _pct3; where RACIALDN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt RACIALDN; if first.RACIALDN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.RACIALDN; run; data _pct3(drop=totcount); merge _pct3 _miss3; by _datasrt _blcksrt RACIALDN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; proc sort data=_denomf3; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin3; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin3; merge _denomf3(in=_inframe) _denomin3; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=3; run; proc sort data=_pct3; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct3; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin3(in=_a) _pct3; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="RACIALDN "; _vrlabel="Racial designation "; _rwlabel=put(RACIALDN, raciald.); if RACIALDN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if RACIALDN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct3; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord RACIALDN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base3; length _catlabl $200; set _pct3 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord RACIALDN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.RACIALDN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(ETHNICN)); run; data _anal4; length ETHNICN 8; set _data1; where same and ETHNICN is not missing; _blcksrt=4; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal4; by _datasrt _blcksrt ETHNICN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp4; set _anal4; output; run; proc sort data=_temp4 out=_temp94 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ETHNICN _trt USUBJID; run; proc freq data=_temp94; format ETHNICN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * ETHNICN * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct4(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal4 out=_denom4(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom4; set _denom4; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf4; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM4"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom4 out=_denomin4(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct ETHNICN) into : totexpv from _anal4; select distinct ETHNICN into :expv1 - :expv3 from _anal4 order by ETHNICN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame4; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=4; length ETHNICN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ETHNICN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ETHNICN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ETHNICN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ETHNICN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ETHNICN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ETHNICN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; ETHNICN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; ETHNICN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; ETHNICN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame4; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ETHNICN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct4; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ETHNICN _trt; run; data _pct4; merge _frame4(in=_inframe) _pct4; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat ETHNICN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; proc sort data=_pct4; by _datasrt _blcksrt ETHNICN; run; data _miss4(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt ETHNICN totcount); set _pct4; where ETHNICN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt ETHNICN; if first.ETHNICN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.ETHNICN; run; data _pct4(drop=totcount); merge _pct4 _miss4; by _datasrt _blcksrt ETHNICN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; proc sort data=_denomf4; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin4; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin4; merge _denomf4(in=_inframe) _denomin4; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=4; run; proc sort data=_pct4; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct4; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin4(in=_a) _pct4; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="ETHNICN "; _vrlabel="Ethnicity "; _rwlabel=put(ETHNICN, ethnic.); if ETHNICN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if ETHNICN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct4; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord ETHNICN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base4; length _catlabl $200; set _pct4 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord ETHNICN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.ETHNICN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(COUNTRYX)); run; data _anal5; length COUNTRYX $50; set _data1; where same and COUNTRYX is not missing; _blcksrt=5; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal5; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp5; set _anal5; output; run; proc sort data=_temp5 out=_temp95 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COUNTRYX _trt USUBJID; run; proc freq data=_temp95; format COUNTRYX; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * COUNTRYX * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct5(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal5 out=_denom5(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom5; set _denom5; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf5; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM5"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom5 out=_denomin5(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_PCT5"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc sort data=_pct5 out=_expv5 (keep=_datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX) nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; run; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_PCT5"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc sort data=_expv5; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; run; data _frame5; set _expv5; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; if first._blcksrt then _catord=0; _catord + 1; _trt=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame5; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COUNTRYX _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct5; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COUNTRYX _trt; run; data _pct5; merge _frame5(in=_inframe) _pct5; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COUNTRYX _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; proc sort data=_pct5; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; run; data _miss5(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX totcount); set _pct5; where COUNTRYX='ZZZY'; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; if first.COUNTRYX then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.COUNTRYX; run; data _pct5(drop=totcount); merge _pct5 _miss5; by _datasrt _blcksrt COUNTRYX; if totcount=0 then delete; run; proc sort data=_denomf5; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin5; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin5; merge _denomf5(in=_inframe) _denomin5; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=5; run; proc sort data=_pct5; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct5; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin5(in=_a) _pct5; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="COUNTRYX "; _vrlabel="Country "; _rwlabel=COUNTRYX; if COUNTRYX='ZZZY' then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if COUNTRYX='ZZZZ' then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct5; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord COUNTRYX _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base5; length _catlabl $200; set _pct5 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord COUNTRYX _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.COUNTRYX then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(AGEGR1N)); run; data _anal6; length AGEGR1N 8; set _data1; where same and AGEGR1N is not missing; _blcksrt=6; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal6; by _datasrt _blcksrt AGEGR1N _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp6; set _anal6; output; run; proc sort data=_temp6 out=_temp96 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat AGEGR1N _trt USUBJID; ; run; proc freq data=_temp96; format AGEGR1N; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * AGEGR1N * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct6(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal6 out=_denom6(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom6; set _denom6; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf6; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM6"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom6 out=_denomin6(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct AGEGR1N) into : totexpv from _anal6; select distinct AGEGR1N into :expv1 - :expv2 from _anal6 order by AGEGR1N; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame6; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=6; length AGEGR1N 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; AGEGR1N=2; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; AGEGR1N=2; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; AGEGR1N=2; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; AGEGR1N=5; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; AGEGR1N=5; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; AGEGR1N=5; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame6; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat AGEGR1N _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct6; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat AGEGR1N _trt; run; data _pct6; merge _frame6(in=_inframe) _pct6; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat AGEGR1N _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct6; by _datasrt _blcksrt AGEGR1N; run; data _miss6(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt AGEGR1N totcount); set _pct6; where AGEGR1N=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt AGEGR1N; if first.AGEGR1N then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.AGEGR1N; run; data _pct6(drop=totcount); merge _pct6 _miss6; by _datasrt _blcksrt AGEGR1N; if totcount=0 then delete; run; *******************************************************************; *IF PCTDISP=CAT/DPTVAR then add dptvar into denomitor frame dataset; *******************************************************************; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _DENOMIN with its frame up dataset (_denomf) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_denomf6; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin6; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin6; merge _denomf6(in=_inframe) _denomin6; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=6; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge in _PCT(counts) with the _DENOMIN(denominator for percents) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct6; by _datasrt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _VARNAME variable to hold depend variable name. ; * Create _VRLABEL variable to display Group label. ; * Create _RWLABEL variable to display &dptvar categories. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _pct6; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin6(in=_a) _pct6; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="AGEGR1N "; _vrlabel="Age group (at vaccination) "; _rwlabel=put(AGEGR1N, RANDAGE.); if AGEGR1N=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if AGEGR1N=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct6; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord AGEGR1N _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base6; length _catlabl $200; set _pct6 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord AGEGR1N _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.AGEGR1N then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create the _ANALxx dataset for the use of later analysis. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _anal7; set _data1; where _trt > 0; _blcksrt=7; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Make sure data is sorted by groups ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_anal7; by _datasrt _blcksrt _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Call PROC UNIVARIATE to generate all possible statistics plus any ; * Percentiles or Confidence Intervals. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc univariate data=_anal7 noprint; by _datasrt _blcksrt _trt; var AGETR01; output out=_msum7 CSS=CSS CV=CV KURTOSIS=KURTOSIS MAX=MAX MEAN=MEAN N=N MIN=MIN MODE=MODE RANGE=RANGE NMISS=NMISS NOBS=NOBS STDMEAN=STDMEAN SKEWNESS=SKEWNESS STD=STD USS=USS SUM=SUM VAR=VAR MEDIAN=MEDIAN P1=P1 P5=P5 P10=P10 P90=P90 P95=P95 P99=P99 Q1=Q1 Q3=Q3 QRANGE=QRANGE GINI=GINI MAD=MAD QN=QN SN=SN STD_GINI=STD_GINI STD_MAD=STD_MAD STD_QN=STD_QN STD_QRANGE=STD_QRANGE STD_SN=STD_SN NORMAL=NORMAL PROBN=PROBN MSIGN=MSIGN PROBM=PROBM SIGNRANK=SIGNRANK PROBS=PROBS T=T PROBT=PROBT; run; *---------------------------------------------------------------------; *Create Frame dataset when user requested Subgrouping as well as set; *sparsesgrpyn to Y to sparse subgrp categories of a format.; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame7; set _bydat1(keep=); _datasrt=1; _blcksrt=7; _catord=1; _trt=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; _cat=1; output; run; proc sort data=_frame7; by _datasrt _blcksrt _trt; run; data _msum7; merge _msum7 _frame7; by _datasrt _blcksrt _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate _result1 from OUT= dataset of PROC UNIVARIATE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _result1_7; if 0 then set _basetemplate; set _msum7 end=eof; _rowsrt=0 + 1; _rwlabel="Mean (SD) "; _cvalue=' '; _nvalue=.; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * MEAN(STD) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if mean ne . and std ne . then do; _cValue=strip(put(mean, 5.1) ) || ' (' || strip(put(std, 5.2) ) || ')'; end; else if mean eq . then _cValue="-" || ' (' || "-" || ')'; else if std eq . then do; _cValue=strip(put(mean, 5.1) ) || ' (' || "-" || ')'; end; output; _rowsrt=0 + 2; _rwlabel="Median "; _cvalue=' '; _nvalue=.; _nvalue=MEDIAN; if MEDIAN ne . then _cValue=strip(put(MEDIAN, 5.1) ); else _cValue="-"; output; _rowsrt=0 + 3; _rwlabel="Min, max "; _cvalue=' '; _nvalue=.; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * MINMAX MINMAXC MEDIAN(MINMAX) MEDIAN(MINMAXC) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; _cValue=' '; if min ^=. & max ^=. then do; _cValue=trim(_cvalue) || ' (' || strip(put(min, 5.0) )|| ', ' || strip(put(max, 5.0) )||')'; end; else if min=. & max=. then do; _cValue=trim(_cvalue) || ' (' || "-" || ', ' || "-" ||')'; end; _cValue=compbl(_cValue); output; run; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate _logresult1 from OUT= dataset of PROC UNIVARIATE for log stats; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------; data _logresult1_7; if 0 then set _basetemplate; stop; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate _result2 from confidence interval output dataset ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _result2_7; if 0 then set _basetemplate; stop; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------------; * Generate _logresult2 from confidence interval output dataset for log stats; *----------------------------------------------------------------------------; data _logresult2_7; if 0 then set _basetemplate; stop; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Combine to form one result dataset. Set variables that do not depend ; * on the statistic. Sort the result. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base7; set _result1_7 _result2_7 _logresult1_7 _logresult2_7; if _trt=4 then _trt=9999; _varname="AGETR01"; _vrlabel="Age at vaccination (years) "; _datatyp='data'; _module='msumstat'; _indent=5; _rowjump=1; _dptindt=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * merge ISAM subgroup variables _SUBCAT _COLABEL ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_base7; by _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(COVBLSTN)); run; data _anal8; length COVBLSTN 8; set _data1; if COVBLSTN = . then COVBLSTN = 9998; _blcksrt=8; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal8; by _datasrt _blcksrt COVBLSTN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp8; set _anal8; output; run; proc sort data=_temp8 out=_temp98 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COVBLSTN _trt USUBJID; run; proc freq data=_temp98; format COVBLSTN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * COVBLSTN* _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct8(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal8 out=_denom8(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom8; set _denom8; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf8; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Transpose _DENOM into _DENOMIN to get COUNT as _TRTn columns ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select put(nobs - delobs, 12.) into :_nobs from dictionary.tables where (libname="WORK" and memname="_DENOM8"); select setting into :miss from dictionary.options where upcase(optname)="MISSING"; quit; proc transpose data=_denom8 out=_denomin8(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct COVBLSTN) into : totexpv from _anal8; select distinct COVBLSTN into :expv1 - :expv3 from _anal8 order by COVBLSTN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame8; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=8; length COVBLSTN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; COVBLSTN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; COVBLSTN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; COVBLSTN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; COVBLSTN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; COVBLSTN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; COVBLSTN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _catLabl = " "; _trt = 1; COVBLSTN = 9998; _catord = 3; _cat = 1; output; _trt = 2; COVBLSTN = 9998; _catord = 3; _cat = 1; output; _trt = 3; COVBLSTN = 9998; _catord = 3; _cat = 1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame8; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COVBLSTN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct8; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COVBLSTN _trt; run; data _pct8; merge _frame8(in=_inframe) _pct8; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat COVBLSTN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct8; by _datasrt _blcksrt COVBLSTN; run; data _miss8(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt COVBLSTN totcount); set _pct8; where COVBLSTN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt COVBLSTN; if first.COVBLSTN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.COVBLSTN; run; data _pct8(drop=totcount); merge _pct8 _miss8; by _datasrt _blcksrt COVBLSTN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; *******************************************************************; *IF PCTDISP=CAT/DPTVAR then add dptvar into denomitor frame dataset; *******************************************************************; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _DENOMIN with its frame up dataset (_denomf) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_denomf8; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin8; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin8; merge _denomf8(in=_inframe) _denomin8; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=8; run; proc sort data=_pct8; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct8; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin8(in=_a) _pct8; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="COVBLSTN "; _vrlabel="Baseline SARS-CoV-2 status "; _rwlabel=put(COVBLSTN, sars.); if COVBLSTN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if COVBLSTN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct8; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord COVBLSTN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base8; length _catlabl $200; set _pct8 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord COVBLSTN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.COVBLSTN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _null_; set _data1 end=eof; if eof then call symput('dptlab', vlabel(BMICATN)); run; data _anal9; length BMICATN 8; set _data1; if BMICATN = . then BMICATN = 9998; _blcksrt=9; _cnt=1; _cat=1; if _trt <=0 then delete; output; run; proc sort data=_anal9; by _datasrt _blcksrt BMICATN _trt _cat; run; *--- Counts for each by-sequence, dependant var, and treatment combination ---*; data _temp9; set _anal9; output; run; proc sort data=_temp9 out=_temp99 nodupkey; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat BMICATN _trt USUBJID; where agegr1n ne 1; run; proc freq data=_temp99; format BMICATN; tables _datasrt*_blcksrt*_cat * BMICATN * _trt / sparse norow nocol nopercent out=_pct9(drop=percent); run; proc sort data=_anal9 out=_denom9(keep=_datasrt _cat) nodupkey; where agegr1n ne 1; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denom9; set _denom9; by _datasrt _cat; label count='count'; _trt=1; count=&_trt1; output; _trt=2; count=&_trt2; output; _trt=3; count=&_trt3; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _DENOMF a frame dataset for the denominators ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _denomf9; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); * All treatment groups ; _trt1=0; _trt2=0; _trt3=0; * _CAT is the subgroup variable ; _cat=1; output; run; proc transpose data=_denom9 out=_denomin9(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=_trt; by _datasrt _cat; var count; id _trt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * VALRANGE=FULL. Create full rank categories WITHOUT using where. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct BMICATN) into : totexpv from _anal9 where agegr1n ne 1 ; select distinct BMICATN into :expv1 - :expv5 from _anal9 where agegr1n ne 1 order by BMICATN; quit; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _FRAME dataset using all combinations of category variable ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _frame9; _datasrt=1; set _bydat1(keep=); _blcksrt=9; length BMICATN 8; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; BMICATN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; BMICATN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; BMICATN=1; _catord=1; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; BMICATN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; BMICATN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; BMICATN=2; _catord=2; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; BMICATN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; BMICATN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; BMICATN=3; _catord=3; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; BMICATN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; BMICATN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; BMICATN=4; _catord=4; _cat=1; output; _catLabl=" "; _trt=1; BMICATN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; _trt=2; BMICATN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; _trt=3; BMICATN=5; _catord=5; _cat=1; output; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge the _PCT dataset with its frameup dataset(_FRAME) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_frame9; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat BMICATN _trt; run; proc sort data=_pct9; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat BMICATN _trt; run; data _pct9; merge _frame9(in=_inframe) _pct9; by _datasrt _blcksrt _cat BMICATN _trt; if _inframe; if count=. then count=0; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Delete Zero filled MISSING category rows for each combination of; * _datasrt &_byvar _blcksrt; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct9; by _datasrt _blcksrt BMICATN; run; data _miss9(keep=_datasrt _blcksrt BMICATN totcount); set _pct9; where BMICATN=9998; retain totcount; by _datasrt _blcksrt BMICATN; if first.BMICATN then totcount=0; totcount=totcount+count; if last.BMICATN; run; data _pct9(drop=totcount); merge _pct9 _miss9; by _datasrt _blcksrt BMICATN; if totcount=0 then delete; run; proc sort data=_denomf9; by _datasrt _cat; run; proc sort data=_denomin9; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _denomin9; merge _denomf9(in=_inframe) _denomin9; by _datasrt _cat; if _inframe; _blcksrt=9; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Merge in _PCT(counts) with the _DENOMIN(denominator for percents) ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; proc sort data=_pct9; by _datasrt _cat; run; data _pct9; if 0 then set _basetemplate; merge _denomin9(in=_a) _pct9; by _datasrt _cat; if _a; _varname="BMICATN "; _vrlabel="Body mass index (BMI) "; _rwlabel=put(BMICATN, bmicat.); if BMICATN=9998 then do; _rwlabel="Missing "; _catord=9998; end; else if BMICATN=9999 then do; _rwlabel="Total "; _catord=9999; end; if _catord=. then _catord=9997; run; proc sort data=_pct9; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord BMICATN _trt _cat; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Create _CVALUE variable to display results. ; * Create _ROWSRT variable to order results. ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _base9; length _catlabl $200; set _pct9 end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _catord BMICATN _trt _cat; retain _rowsrt 0 _rowmax 0; array _trtcnt(*) _trt1-_trt4; drop _rowmax _cpct; length _cpct $100; _cpct=' '; _module='mcatstat'; if count > . then _cvalue=put(count, 5.); else _cvalue=put(0, 5.); *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Format percent to append to display value in _CVALUE ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; if _trt ne . then do; if _trtcnt(_trt) > 0 then do; percent=count / _trtcnt(_trt) * 100; if percent > 0 then do; if round(percent, 0.1) GE 0.1 then _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}("||strip(put(percent, 5.1))||")"; else _cpct="(*ESC*){nbspace 1}(0.0)"; _cvalue=trim(_cvalue)||_cpct; end; end; end; if length(_cvalue) < 13 then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Put character A0x at right most character to pad text; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; substr(_cvalue, 13, 1)='A0'x; end; if first.BMICATN then do; _rowsrt=_rowsrt + 1; _rowmax=max(_rowsrt, _rowmax); end; _datatyp='data'; _indent=0; _dptindt=0; _vorder=1; _rowjump=1; if upcase(_rwlabel)='_NONE_' then _rwlabel=' '; _indent=3; _dptindt=0; if _trt=3 +1 then _trt=9999; if eof then call symput('_rowsrt', compress(put(_rowmax, 4.))); _direct="TOP "; _p=2; run; data _final; set _base1 _base2 _base3 _base4 _base5 _base6 _base7 _base8 _base9; run; proc sort data=_final; by _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt; run; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * At least one of TRT and STAT is vertical; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; data _final; set _final; drop __trt; if _trt=9999 then __trt=3 + 1; else __trt=_trt; if __trt=. then __trt=1; _column=_trt; if _column=9999 then _column=3 + 1; run; proc sort data=_final out=_final; by _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt _column; run; data _linecnt; set _final end=eof; by _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt _column; retain _totline _maxval _maxrow _rwlbtag _vrlbtag 0 _maxline _linecnt; keep _datasrt _blcksrt _totline _linecnt _maxrow; if _rowjump=. then _rowjump=1; if first._blcksrt then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Count words inside DATA step ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; _token=repeat(' ', 99); _count=1; _token=scan(_vrlabel, _count, "|"); if _token=: '_' then _tag=1; else _tag=0; do while(_token ^=' '); _count=_count + 1; _token=scan(_vrlabel, _count, "|"); end; _linecnt=_count - 1 + _tag; ; _totline=_linecnt; if _vrlabel ne ' ' and _vrlabel ne '^' & _datatyp='data' then _vrlbtag=1; end; if first._rowsrt then do; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Count words inside DATA step ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; _token=repeat(' ', 99); _count=1; _token=scan(_rwlabel, _count, "|"); if _token=: '_' then _tag=1; else _tag=0; do while(_token ^=' '); _maxrow=max(_maxrow, length(_token) + _indent); _count=_count + 1; _token=scan(_rwlabel, _count, "|"); end; _maxline=_count - 1 + _tag; if _rwlabel ne ' ' then _rwlbtag=1; _totline + _rowjump - 1; end; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; * Count words inside DATA step ; *----------------------------------------------------------------------; _token=repeat(' ', 99); _count=1; _token=scan(_cvalue, _count, "|"); if _token=: '_' then _tag=1; else _tag=0; do while(_token ^=' '); _maxval=max(_maxval, length(_token)); _count=_count + 1; _token=scan(_cvalue, _count, "|"); end; _ccnt=_count - 1 + _tag; _maxline=max(_maxline, _ccnt); if last._rowsrt then _totline=_maxline + _totline; if last._blcksrt then do; _totline=_totline - _rowjump + 1; output; end; if eof then do; call symput('_valwid', compress(put(_maxval, 3.))); call symput('_rwlbtag', put(_rwlbtag, 1.)); call symput('_vrlbtag', put(_vrlbtag, 1.)); end; run; data _final; length _direct $20; _direct=' '; merge _final _linecnt; by _datasrt _blcksrt; run; proc sql noprint; create table rspon as select distinct _trt, _column , _vrlabel as _rwlabel , _datasrt, _blcksrt, (min(_rowsrt)-0.5) as _rowsrt , _dptindt as _indent , 0 as _dptindt from _final(where=(_vrlabel^=' ')) group by _trt, _column , _datasrt, _blcksrt, _vrlabel; quit; data ADSL_S005_DEMO_ALL_P3_SAF; length _rvalue $800; set _final rspon end=eof; _rwindt=sum(_indent, _dptindt); if _rwindt <=0 then _rvalue=_rwlabel; else _rvalue=repeat(byte(160), _rwindt-1)||_rwlabel; _dummy=1; if _trt=. then _trt=1; run; proc sort data=ADSL_S005_DEMO_ALL_P3_SAF; by _datasrt _trt _blcksrt _rowsrt; run; data treat; length FMTNAME $8 start 8 label $200; fmtname='TREAT'; do start=1 to 3 + ("N"="Y"); label=symget('_TRTLB'|| compress(put(start, 4.))); label=trim(label) || "| (N~{super a}=" || compress(symget("_TRT" || compress(put(start, 4.)))) || ")" || "|n~{super b} (%)"; output; end; run; proc format cntlin=treat; run; options orientation=LANDSCAPE papersize="LETTER"; ods escapechar="~"; title1 "Demographic Characteristics (*ESC*){unicode 2013} Phase 2/3 Subjects (*ESC*){unicode 2265}16 Years of Age (*ESC*){unicode 2013} Safety Population"; footnote1 "Abbreviation: SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2."; footnote2 "Note: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive subjects are included in this summary but analyzed and reported separately."; footnote3 "a.(*ESC*){nbspace 5}N = number of subjects in the specified group, or the total sample. This value is the denominator for the percentage calculations."; footnote4 "b.(*ESC*){nbspace 5}n = Number of subjects with the specified characteristic."; footnote5 "c.(*ESC*){nbspace 5}Positive N-binding antibody result at Visit 1, positive NAAT result at Visit 1, or medical history of COVID-19."; footnote6 "d.(*ESC*){nbspace 5}Negative N-binding antibody result at Visit 1, negative NAAT result at Visit 1, and no medical history of COVID-19."; data outdata1; set ADSL_S005_DEMO_ALL_P3_SAF; if upcase(_module)='MCATSTAT' then _cvalue=transtrn(compress(_cvalue), '(', ' ('); _fixvar=1; _fix2var=1; run; option nobyline; proc sort data=outdata1; by _datasrt _trt _blcksrt _rowsrt; run; proc sql noprint; select distinct start, label into :start1, :_trlbl1 - :_trlbl99 from treat order by start; quit; proc sort data=outdata1 out=_pre_transposed; by _fixvar _fix2var _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt _rvalue _trt; run; data _pre_transposed; set _pre_transposed; if _trt=9999 then _trt=3 +1; run; proc transpose data=_pre_transposed out=_column_transposed (drop=_name_) prefix=TRT; by _fixvar _fix2var _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt _rvalue; var _cvalue; id _trt; run; ods html file="&prot./analysis/esub/output/adsl_s005_demo_all_p3_saf.html"; data REPORT; set _column_transposed; _dummy=1; run; proc sort data=report; by _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt _dummy; run; proc report data=report nowd list missing contents="" split="|" spanrows style(report)={} style(header)={} style(column)={}; column _fixvar _fix2var _datasrt _blcksrt _rowsrt ("" _rvalue) (("Vaccine Group (as Administered)~{line}" TRT1 TRT2) TRT3 _dummy); define _fixvar / group noprint; define _fix2var / group noprint; define _datasrt / group order=internal noprint; define _blcksrt / group order=internal noprint; define _rowsrt / group order=internal noprint; define _rvalue / group id " " order=data style(column)={just=left width=60mm rightmargin=18px} style(header)={just=left} left; define _dummy / sum noprint; define TRT1 / group nozero "&_trlbl1." spacing=2 style(column)={width=35mm leftmargin=12px} style(header)={just=center} center; define TRT2 / group nozero "&_trlbl2." spacing=2 style(column)={width=35mm leftmargin=12px} style(header)={just=center} center; define TRT3 / group nozero "&_trlbl3." spacing=2 style(column)={width=35mm leftmargin=12px} style(header)={just=center} center; break before _fixvar / contents="" page; compute before _fix2var; line @1 " ~n "; endcomp; compute after _blcksrt; line " ~n "; endcomp; run; ods HTML close; proc printto; run;